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Child with Autism Playing with Another

What things might I see at home that would alert me to my child needing a comprehensive assessment?

  • ▢ Not able to fall asleep on their own and not consistently sleeping through the night 
  • ▢ Picky eating, constipation, or other gut issues 
  • ▢ A regression in language at any point along the way; said words early then stopped 
  • ▢ Not understanding what others are saying; not being aware of what is going on around them 
  • ▢ Intense toy interests and frustration or distress when these play habits are interrupted 
  • ▢ Frequent meltdowns or tantrums over seemingly little things; easily upset 
  • ▢ Delays and speech and language; makes unusual noises or high-pitched sounds 
  • ▢ Does not seem to have good safety awareness and will run off in the community 
  • ▢ Noise sensitivity or covering their ears in response to noises or too many people 
  • ▢ Does not have 50 clear and purposeful words by the age of 24 months 
  • ▢ Hits, bites, or pushes other children at daycare 
  • ▢ Does their own thing or prefers to play on their own 
  • ▢ Overly active; busy, climbing, jumping, bouncing, etc. 
  • ▢ Shy, anxious, does not initiate interactions with other young children appropriately 
  • ▢ Unusual hand movements or other body mannerisms 
  • ▢ Looking at objects up close or out of the side of their eye 
  • ▢ Running back-and-forth in particular pattern that is difficult to interrupt 
  • ▢ Not consistently engaging in and enjoying simple social games such as peek-a-boo 
  • ▢ Does not understand how other children play and has difficulty with group games 
  • ▢ Struggles with competitive activities and does not easily accept losing the game 
  • ▢ Seems socially awkward and has difficulty making and keeping friends 
  • ▢ Conversations with others often go off topic or their answers seem out of context 
  • ▢ Precocious interest in letters and numbers at a very early age; reads words very early 
  • ▢ Gathers unrelated toys into piles or lines toys up into a line 
  • ▢ Has difficulty with make-believe play and sees things very literally 
  • ▢ Does seem to care or show interest in others’ thoughts, feelings, or experiences 
  • ▢ Pushes, hits or hurts other children and laughs or does not show compassion 
  • ▢ Does show care when around animals and may hurt them 
  • ▢ Difficulties with particular clothing or daily routines such as brushing teeth or cutting nails 
  • ▢ Screams or makes high-pitched noises when very excited or upset 
  • ▢ Seems different from other children and has developmental delays 

This is a list of possible difficulties, but not all of these are present in each child.  These are simply some concerns that would make you want to consider a comprehensive assessment for Autism.

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